Research methods in nursing- evidence based care
Abbreviation: ZIRSSESM Load: 15(L) + 15(S) + 0(CP) + 0(EXE) + 0(P) + 0(ST) + 0(LE) + 45(ME) + 0(SCP) + 0(FE) + 0(PL) + 0(PCP) + 0(MSCP)
Lecturers in charge: Iva Takšić
Course description: The research approach; Review of the research process, sources and types of data, specific data related to nursing practice, the types of measurement scales, the characteristics of the measuring process, the procedures of data collection (systematic observation, measurement, list marking and scale of assessment, interviews, surveys and questionnaires, tests), the sources of expert literature research report.
Students will be introduced to the basics of scientific research, writing original scientific work and other writing scientific papers and theses, and finally the evaluation of scientific research
Lecture languages: - - -
Compulsory literature:
1. Marušić, M, ur. Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini. 5. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2013.
2. Tkalac Verčić A, Sinčić Ćorić D, Pološki Vokić N. Priručnik za metodologiju istraživanja u društvenim djelatnostima. 2. izd. Zagreb: MEP; 2014
Recommended literature:
3. Petz, B. Statistika za praksu. Zagreb: Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Sektor za kadrovske, pravne i obrazovne poslove;1994.
4. Titler M. The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. Dostupno na:
5. De Brun Caroline. Finding the evidence. Dostupno na:
6. Kako citirati. Dostupno na:
L - Lectures
FE - Field exercises
PL - Project laboratory
PCP - Preclinical practicals
MSCP - Mentorship of special clinical practicals
S - Seminar
CP - Clinical practicals
EXE - Exercises of applied kinesiology
P - Practicum
ST - Sectio training
LE - Laboratory exercises
ME - Methodology exercises
SCP - Special clinical practicals
* - Not graded