Clinical cytology
Abbreviation: 46LA3 Load: 15(L) + 15(S) + 30(CP) + 0(EXE) + 0(P) + 0(ST) + 0(LE) + 0(ME) + 0(SCP) + 0(FE) + 0(PL) + 0(PCP) + 0(MSCP)
Lecturers in charge: dr. sc. Vesna Ramljak
Silvana Smojver-Ježek
Course description: The main constituents of cells and their role in the function of certain cell types. taking
material for cytological examination: FNA superficial organs under control
ultrasound "free hand" technique, the footprint of biopsy material discharge (Endocrine
cytology), smear the vulva, VCE smears, ekskohleat endocervical canal, aspirated fragments of ovarian
amniotic fluid, (gynecologic cytology), sputum, swab brushes, KAS, BAL, TBP, TUS
fragments, (pulmonary cytology), washing, brushing (urologic cytology). Technical processing
material for cytological analysis, the method of analyzing the cytology fragments, the type of cells and epithelial
basic and special stains in cytology. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods in cytology
diagnostics, molecular techniques in cytology: PCR, in situ hybridization, flow time
cytometry, morfometroija computerized analysis of cell images. indications,
contraindications, advantages and disadvantages of cytologic, preoperative and intraoperative
cytological diagnosis, Cytodiagnostical method of induction and therapy monitoring. normal and
abnormal cytological results, classification cytology, cytological criteria of malignancy, cytology
differentiation of tumor types. Inflammation, type of inflammation, proliferative processes, tumors
endocrine, gynecological, pulmonary, gastroenterology, urology cytology
diagnostics. An ultrasound (ultrasound) in the surgical facility cytodiagnostics, the basics
ultrasound, ultrasound waves, devices, probes, performance and benefits of fine needle aspiration biopsy under
ultrasound control, puncture of superficial tissues "free hand" technique and the deeper organs, clinical
value of ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration.
Lecture languages: - - -
Compulsory literature:
1. Pongrac, I.: Atlas pulmološke citologije, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2006.
2. Halbauer, M., Šarčević, B., Tomić-Brzac, H.: Citološko - patohistološki atlas bolesti štitne žlijezde i doštitnih žlijezda s ultrazvučnim slikama, Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb, 2000.
3. Cibas, E.S., Ducatman, B.S. Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates, 4e, 2014.
Recommended literature:
4. Tomić-Brzac, H., Bence-Žigman, Z.: Intervencijski ultrazvuk u bolestima štitnjače i paratireoideje, u: Kurjak i sur.; ur.: Ultrazvuk u kliničkoj medicini, Zagreb, ITP "Naprijed", 1989.
L - Lectures
FE - Field exercises
PL - Project laboratory
PCP - Preclinical practicals
MSCP - Mentorship of special clinical practicals
S - Seminar
CP - Clinical practicals
EXE - Exercises of applied kinesiology
P - Practicum
ST - Sectio training
LE - Laboratory exercises
ME - Methodology exercises
SCP - Special clinical practicals
* - Not graded