Quality policy I About us I Documents I Reports


Quality Policy of the University of Applied Health Studies is directed towards continuous  promotion and advancement of high quality standards in educating healthcare professionals at professional and specialist graduate professional study programs in accordance with the demands of the regional and European market.

The Management Board ensures quality which is in compliance with the University’s strategic objectives. Quality Policy provides a framework for continuous improvement of efficiency and quality assurance system.

The University considers quality assurance to be a continuous process integrated into everyday teaching, professional, scientific and research activities. The approach to quality management is based on self-evaluationt, student surveys, internal and external evaluation.

The Quality Policy will be implemented through:

1)     Clearly defined objectives and standards for the development of Quality Assurance System in strategic documents.

2)      Continuous application, evaluation and revision of the Quality Assurance System.

3)     Permanent improvement of the teaching process, harmonization of study programs with the latest professional developments, technological advances and scientific research.

4)     Continuous professional training and development of teaching staff.

5)     Meeting the requirements for the improvement and advancement of the teaching process set by the teaching staff, students and other stakeholders  in order to achieve quality goals

6)     Motivation of  employees, collaborators and students for their responsible and creative approach towards work commitments in order to achieve strategic objectives and develop human resources.

7)     Involving students into all University activities.

8)     Establishing partnerships with external institutions involved in the teaching process.

9)     Promoting culture of quality at all levels of the University.

10) Development of  the University as a socially responsible higher institution which contributes to the development of the community, region and society.

11) Supporting the development of its status as an important higher education institution which implements and demands high quality.

12) Improving quality in accordance with the ESG standards.

13) Rational use of University’s resources.